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The Witchy Wish Story

Once upon a time, a little witch saw a falling star and thought, Wouldn’t it be great to go find it? She searched high and low and at last found the star curled up in a bed of flowers. She was surprised to see the star looked like a little kitten the color of the faraway night sky.

The poor little star was clutching their paw. They’d been so excited to see the world that they’d landed too fast and twisted it. The little witch fixed them up with rainbow-colored bandages and nursed her new star friend until they were well again.

“Thank you,” their little star said. “For your kindness, I’d like to offer you a wish.” The little witch thought carefully and at last decided. “I want to create things that bring others joy,” she told the star.

The star nodded. “That is a good wish,” they answered. And from the field of flowers formed the cutest shop the little witch could imagine. She named the shop after this story, and invited her star friend in for tea and cookies.